Hi Guys. Thanks for following me for so many years and enriching my knowledge with your valuable comments and queries. it was always an wonderful experience.
Due to my hectic work schedule as well as I wanted to spend more time with my infant daughter, I have not written much here in last 2 years. In these years, so many things have changed (in Navision itself) and probably now is the time when I should take this blog forward further with the newer topics, newer features of newer NAV.
I got some spare money to spend on migrating this blog to my custom domain and maintain it at least for next 3 years. And I have budgeted it that way
So I have migrated all the posts from this blog to my new address Navision - the fun starts here but I am going to keep this blog alive for the time being. All my new posts will happen from my new blog address but you can always refer to my old posts either in the blogger domain or my new domain.
Unfortunately in the migration process, I could not migrate my followers (as Google friendConnect is discontinued) to new address. So those who used get automatic notification about my new post (and their avatar used to get displayed in header part of my blog), will no longer receive them. But dear followers, you can always subscribe to my new posts in my new domain.
You can check out my new blog in the following link -
Navision - the fun starts here
New features will be -
- topics on the newer version of NAV
- Videos
- Downloads on some interesting presentations / documents
- better reading window / option
- social sharing / follow option
- easy to subscribe
Happy New year and Happy reading
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